Battle of the TFS build script

· May 31, 2007

I have under the last days trying to get our build script to work….

What we are trying to do is simple enough, but I can’t understand how to use the build mechanism in Team System to do what I want… We want to do the following:

  • Compile all projects
  • Update some config-files
  • Run VSTS-tests
  • Publish a ClickOnce-application and deploy it to a “latest version” folder
  • Generate documentation

It’s the ClickOnce-part that’s not working and I’ve got an confirmation from Microsoft that what we want to do not is supported by default in VSTS. You need some third part products.

I think I am a solution in the tracks but there is still some things left. I’ll post a solution when (if???) I find it.

In my research so far I have had great use of the following resources:

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