Slow and fast

· October 16, 2007

We are closing in on the end of the project (the development phase) and it a mixture of feelings that comes over me.

First and foremost I would say it’s a bit of sadness. This is the best project i’ve been in so far - a lot of fun, speed, wild discussions and great flow in the group. Much to this I have to credit SCRUM for - which promotes just those things; building teams and delivering software.

Then of course I am proud of what we have accomplished. 100 000 lines of code in 4 months, 4 people. And the structure of the system feels very nice too - the bugs that are found now is quite easy to fix.

So the project is, in all right, slowing down while we are transiting into the testing phase. Oh how I would have loved to have testers in our team. Just imagine then we would have been beyond that phase now to…

On a personal note all other things are not slowing down; entering a period now with very much on the agenda. Here’s a short list:

  • Wedding in the weekend - Elins best friend is getting married. I am playing (completely alone) while they are entering and leaving.
  • Tour with Vasa band - my band are going on a tour 8-11/11. To Bognor Regis in the south of England. That will be great fun.
  • Christmas concert with Vasa band - I am in charge of planning and setting that event up. Together with the Vasa Gospel choir and that is always fun
  • CD with Vasa band - we are planning of recording a CD to the spring. I will be soloist on one track.
  • New projects, more presentations etc. at work.

Well - that should keep me busy during the autumn.

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