Sprint Planner Helper – Session 12

· February 23, 2009

Today I started off with some refactoring of the things I did yesterday. It was some pretty ugly code in the aspx-page which now is improved with some properties in the domain model.

I also started the actual adding functionality of the Product and the product backlog. This immediately got me into trouble since I need a list of product owners in order to fill out the form… More test data and repositories.

TDD is great – but it doesn’t solve the problem with testdata. It’s hard work – even with the great repository pattern. I hope (and guess) that this pays off.

Since I am alone and Abbe is sound asleep I’ll break the 1 hour rule and continue a bit further.

There are some great help in the way that ASP.NET MVC integrates into Visual Studio 2008. Most notably the way you can generate typed views (for list, edit and details!) and controller classes via a dialog. Me likey!

Got me to realize that the list of products probably lives best on a view of it’s own and not directly on the first page. Hmmm – more work. This is learning…

I was quite happy when I could produce this non-working form. Now sleep!


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