Be good!

Last week I was in a terrible mood here at work. I am embarrassed even to think about it…This has to do with me not being happy about the situation we are in at my customer.

But I noticed one strange and weird thing: the more moody and angrier i got, the worse the situation got (or seemed to be).

So this week I am trying a whole new approach: I will not be angry a single time at work (and not a home either I hope :-)). A all in all positive approach is the credo of this week. It will be a good lesson for my self and also an experiment to see if it really works.

So to start things off, in the words of ET: “BE GOOD!” (and let’s see where that takes us - Marcus)

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CD from Eikanger-Bjørsvik

I bought the CD Twenty supreme years by Eikanger-Bjørsvik a week ago. You will never be disappointed with release from them. The playing is absolutely stunning and the arrangements are great. Some really quirky music, but hey - who cares?

If you don’t have it - get it now!

PS. When the cover is opened a friend of my can be seen playing the horn, with mute. Way to go Trine. DS

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Babies and their parents II

When I wrote about babies and their parents it caused a small stir here at the office, of course from the parents here. Apparently babies will take up all your spare time.

Anyhow - my friends, that was late pregnant, has now had a little girl. We are going there tonight and I am really looking forward to meeting them and her.

And also see if they still are the same people or if there has been major changes to them -as it have to be according to my co-workers. I won’t promise to eat anything if not but I sure hope that its still my old friends and not super-mum and dad.

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Brassband silly season

My band, the <span id=”SPELLING_ERROR_0” classVasa band of the Salvation Army, is entering the busiest season of the year - the Christmas season! I counted to 9 gigs during this season with different sizes of the band.

If brassbanding had as much to do during all of the year as under the Christmas season there would be a lot of more professional bands around, I can promise you.

One thing that strikes me every year this happens (i.e. almost every year) is that it’s so easy to get lost in the busy-ness surrounding Christmas. This is also well known, we say this to each other each year; but do we remember the true reason for Christmas: Jesus and his coming to this earth for you and me.

During the gigs we have we will have lots of opportunities to introduce pieces and this will be my main theme this year;...

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More about generic webservces

I’ve looked further down the documentation (this chapter in fact) and found some more, very interesting stuff on generics that make my solution with delegates a bit clumsy and non-elegant. When declare a generic class or method the type parameter can be limited to what types it can take using constraints. So in my solution the row:

public static TWebService CreateWebService(string WebServiceURL) where TWebService : SoapHttpClientProtocol

means that TWebService must be of SoapHttpClientProtocol type.

However I ran into a bit of confusion when I wanted to instantiate TWebService. The compiler was not happy when I wrote: // This won’t compile TWebService t = new TWebService();

That is until I discovered another constraint - the Constructor Constraint. By using this constraint you can constrain the types that is allowed to types with an empty (parameterless) constructor. And that will allow you to instantiate TWebService and...

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Mnozil Brass

Mnozil Brass

Just a short notice….

Went to a marvelous concert last night with Mnzoil Brass. Great, great stuff! This is a really good example on how to do something very well and then adding humor to it. Magic!

If they are in the same part of the world as you - don’t miss it!

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Swedish brass band championships - revisited

The Swedish brass band championships took place this weekend and as i hope it became the best brass band competition ever in Sweden.

Also to my prediction the Gothenburg Brass band went home with the first price. I am quite proud of getting the first three band, in the right order a month ahead of the competition. The only thing I missed was the points. See for yourself

To my opinion Gothenburg was best on the own choice program (the part i heard) - but not with as much as I expected. Windcorp really made a very very good effort with Tristan Encounters - which is a very hard piece indeed.

Full results from the competition can be found here

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Generic webservice creator using generics and delegates

This now contains an update Be sure to look it up for a more elegant solution. ====================================================

Yesterday was spent with my nose deep down the documentation of .NET 2.0, pondering poses and headscratching.

But the reward was a quite cool little hack that solved a tricky problem in our solution.

In my current project we’re are using some webservices and these all need to be configured in the same way. These configurations has to do with setting the URL in runtime, using other credentials, caching and maybe other things that we want to be able to do for all webservices.

So what I wanted is a WebServiceCreator with metods that creates the webservices and does the requested configurations. So my first thought was to use generics - and that was right for quite a while.

I created a class WebServiceCreator that has one (and so many overloads...

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