Busy times - our choice?

It’s a very busy time right now. The band is in the midst of our long list of December engagements. So fun and good it has been so far! Last night we played at the annual Lucia-coronation at Skansen. A bit cold but the band played well and we had great fun.

So this week contains a Christmas-festival at our corps and a gig in a Church… And then there are only two things left! Phew! But I like it.

Yesterday morning we had an Advent-service at our corps and the commissioner of Sweden Victor Poke spoke about the different parts of the time up to Christmas. Made my think about bringing some calmness into this the most busy of times. Why is that? Why not lower the ambitions a bit and enjoy a lovely time of the year? It will be my motto for this advent-times.

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Not trying on my own

After a few weeks of trying to keep the happiness in top all by myself I am stopping now; it seems as if that is not possible. And also as I wrote in another post I’ve got a resource who can help me and also has promised to be there for me always. That’s Jesus - so from now on I’ll spend more time praying and thanking him for taking care of me although i haven’t cared to much about him at all times…

A strange calm comes over me when I think about that - I can just rest in the knowledge that Jesus cares about me.

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The Marine biologist

One of the Swedish TV-channels is reprising Seinfeld-episodes over and over again and is on the third (fourth?) lap round all the seasons now.

But there are still some great stuff in there. In this episode George pretends to be a marine biologist to impress a girl and of course get into trouble. This is the end of it. It so great.

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Glasses ordered

I ordered my glasses yesterday. They look something like the ones on the left. So you understand that I avoided the china man-look and went for the German terrorist instead.

Man - those things are expensive! My only hope now is that:

  1. They will make a difference. Headaches almost every other day now…
  2. I won’t drop them
  3. I won’t be so scared of dropping them that I need a string around my neck to keep track of them
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Just noticed that after the Dreidel-song there were some people exposing themselves before the camera on the top list.

The Dreidel-video was from another site called myspace.com and after the video had run to the end a list of the most watched videos was shown. Apparently some of the top videos for people to watch were some other people taking their clothes off.

I have now removed the file. Sorry about that.

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VasaBand - on the roll

[VasaBand Christmas Concert 2006

My band, the Vasa band of the Salvation Army, is really taking off right now.

We have had a year when we have lost a lot of bandsmen, so right now we’re only about 17 in the band. However, the feeling and fellowship in the band have always been great. And during the last few months, we are also starting to play better and better.

In the spring, we will be reinforced with some more cornets—so (you know I like to look into the future) I predict that the spring will be great.

I just love to play in the band! It’s so fun and we have a great time—thank you, guys!

If you are in Stockholm, you’re more than welcome to our Christmas concert, 6 Dec, 1900.

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It's that time of year

Well Christmas is closing in and then all sorts of greetings are sent back and forth on the Internet.

Here are a classic from christmas passed with some favorite mountain kids.

Just think… in a few years this will be a real classics that we will be telling small children about. And have a hard time explaining how the life was before Internet, why you had to wait for pages to “load” and why we didn’t project it on the retnoscan.

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Went to the optician last Friday. Some headache and problem with my eyes made me go. And … yes I need glasses when I work at the computer and reads.

Feels like an old man! My arms needs to be longer to be able to see good. Will now go through gruesome process of choosing my “looks”. I think I’ll go for either the Tintin Japanese or maybe “german terrorist”.

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Be good - expiriment week II

Last week I tried to stay happy through the week no matter the circumstances… Not sure it came of the way I hope. Not all days at least.

I learned so far that you can get pretty far by just keeping your spirits high. It can probably be a bit enjoying for your co-workers but it will get you in a better mood. Also - forcing yourself to be happy will take it’s toll somewhere and I was completely exhausted this Friday - not to good.

So this week I will do a combo - I’ll try to be happy and take assistance from a friend… that is: I’ll start each half day with a small prayer. This happen again and again. I always forget it. Here i have a great resource of power and I fail to remember to use it. But now i will remember.

“They will go...

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