It's that time of year

Well Christmas is closing in and then all sorts of greetings are sent back and forth on the Internet.

Here are a classic from christmas passed with some favorite mountain kids.

Just think… in a few years this will be a real classics that we will be telling small children about. And have a hard time explaining how the life was before Internet, why you had to wait for pages to “load” and why we didn’t project it on the retnoscan.

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Went to the optician last Friday. Some headache and problem with my eyes made me go. And … yes I need glasses when I work at the computer and reads.

Feels like an old man! My arms needs to be longer to be able to see good. Will now go through gruesome process of choosing my “looks”. I think I’ll go for either the Tintin Japanese or maybe “german terrorist”.

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Be good - expiriment week II

Last week I tried to stay happy through the week no matter the circumstances… Not sure it came of the way I hope. Not all days at least.

I learned so far that you can get pretty far by just keeping your spirits high. It can probably be a bit enjoying for your co-workers but it will get you in a better mood. Also - forcing yourself to be happy will take it’s toll somewhere and I was completely exhausted this Friday - not to good.

So this week I will do a combo - I’ll try to be happy and take assistance from a friend… that is: I’ll start each half day with a small prayer. This happen again and again. I always forget it. Here i have a great resource of power and I fail to remember to use it. But now i will remember.

“They will go...

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Weekend impressions

The silly season i wrote about is taking off! This weekend we had two very contrasting gigs with the VasaBand (Salvation Army).

First we played at a sale at the corps - one of those “could you play something nice but not too loud please”-gigs. It was good fun though and we had a great time in the band.

And yesterday we played in the Stockholm City Hall - close to 1500 people came. It would have been good if they all came for us … but this was the Salvation Army Christmas Concert and we were the “picturesque” Salvation Army-stuff in the concert. A lot of famous Swedish artists were there too. However the band played exceptionally well, I thought, and we probably raised a few eyebrows.

This week we have only two gigs - both on Sunday. And rehearsal of course. Looking forward to both.

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RockBox - cool stuff

Found a really cool MP3-thingy…

RockBox is a freeware “operating system” for a lot of different hard wares. I love my Iriver H320 and it just became even cooler with the new RockBox operating system.

RockBox contains a lot of nice features and utilities and I am looking forward to learning them all. My favorites so far is the metronome (in all its simplicity) and that you can download and play Doom on it!

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Happy all the day

Yesterday was a bit hard to keep the mood in top. Probably had to do with the late night the day before…

Anyhow - my band (VasaBand) did a music service yesterday in Hallunda Folkets Hus and it was very well received. Lots of people (200 persons) and a great atmosphere. I am really impressed with all the activities that was going on at that place.

The band played fairly well I thought. I recorded it all and may be able to put something up here for listening. Keep a lookout.

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Happy - and still going

We did a good job last night with launching a new application, although the road there was a bit bumpy.

My “stay happy whatever approach” was close to collapsing a few times but instead took a turn into near madness. A lot of singing and some dancing got me through the day.

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I listened to Vasa Gospel, and their CD Precious Lord on the way in.

They are a gospel choir from my corps in the Salvation army. Great! This CD is so well sung, well produced and well played. If you only hear one gospel CD in your life then this is a pretty good candidate.

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Happy week - so far so good


Well, well, well—this happy week stuff seems to be working… One day with no anger and everything is dandy. Didn’t take too much effort either.

I even managed to handle some bumps in the road yesterday, with some laughter and dancing (?!?!) instead of digging graves. There might be something here.

If this continues, I will have to extend the period—let me get back to you on that.

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Babies and their parents III

OK - I was wrong, a bit at least.

Met my friends and their new daugther last Friday -and it’s a completely new life for them. Especially for the father. I was great to see though - a lot of love in the air. So - the “still being us”-thing will probably fade for a while but I am sure that it will come back and that they will watch sopranos late at night even though the baby needs to sleep.

But they will never fall into the super-parents-trap! I am sure of that at least.

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