Are you coding for change or for stability?
April 18, 2013
Let me tell you a story: when I was in university I took an “advanced” object oriented programming course. This was my first exposure to the topic and I was lost big time. The course was taught in SmallTalk had a very different format; the first day we got an assignment from the professor that ran throughout the 4 week course.
We were very excited since we were going to write a game. An old-school text-input adventure game a la Zork. We teamed up three people in groups and went to the professor smalled crammed room. Here we got the instructions on a single sheet of paper. We almost ran out of there.
Just as we reached the door of the room he called us back (I’m sure he had time that call to perfection):
“Oh yeah, almost forgot. Two weeks from now I will come by and change...