Sprint Planner Helper – Session 19

After my refactoring yesterday, the function that re-prioritizes product backlog items was reduced to swapping priority points on two items.

So that’s what I’ll do today. TDD through a function that swaps priority points for a product backlog item and the item before (prioritize up) or after (prioritize down) it.

Coding in progress

That really was an old-time programming problem. Fun! But now I have TDD’ed a priority swap algorithm. That was all I managed to get through today. Some progress, I think.

Now all that is left is to reach this functionality from the GUI and reload the list after it’s done.

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My light and song

In a few weeks the Vasa Band will do a music festival at the corps. I will play an euphonium solo and was looking for something that isn’t played very often.

For a long time, several years actually, I have had the solo part for My Light and Song (FS 228) in my “collection”, but never dared try to play it.

I have actually never heard it played (actually Patrik Randefalk did play it with the Vasa Band in the 90s) or recorded.

I’ll try to post a recording here… after March 25.


This is so sick! This book contains all music (kinda) that is available for euphonium. And who has recorded it! Including a reference to recordings by my father.

And My Light and Song is recorded. By a Mr. John Butler.

The internet is amazing…

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Sprint Planner Helper – Session 18

I haven’t done too much on the Sprint Planner Helper project during this week. A lot of Salvation Army activities have taken up my time.

But I have read the blog post (in the form of a PDF-book) from DDD Step By Step. I have read much of it before, but sometimes other words clear things up for you. This book did it for me.

OK – what to do tonight (Abbe is sound asleep and Elin has gone to work). I have most of the stuff from my first two user stories in place. But I need a way to easily move product backlog items up and down in the list. This will come in handy when the product backlog items are estimated.

So I’ll introduce some methods to move them in the product backlog list. And some arrows in the GUI for the list.

Let’s write...

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Sprint Planner Helper – Session 17

When you’re learning something new, you’ll expect some progress and the occasional setback. If you are on your own, as I am in this project, that is even more likely to be the other way around.

My approach to learning this is very much like the way we played with the chemistry box when we were small – try something you believe will work and expect the whole thing to blow up, possibly with a stinging sensation in your eye…

So… I guess that you see where this is going. I have to redo something. Actually, it’s two things. And actually, I am not that worried; the whole idea of agile TDD, DDD, and all this is that it should be easy to change.

The first thing is not a biggie; my Entities have a Guid as ID right now. It’s mega-ugly when I am passing it...

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Sprint Planner Helper – Session 16

I am now almost ready with the first user story of my own backlog.

  1. As a user, I can create a product that describes the product and the product owner so that the purpose of the product is known.

Each product has a product backlog that describes what is left to do.

Each product backlog item requires at least a Number (1.2.1), description, and initial priority.

Other properties are story points (how big is this compared to others) and a document with additional business rules.

The one thing that is left is to be able to create new backlog items.

My GUI for editing a product right now looks like this:

edit a product

As I said before, I will not put too much effort into the design of the GUI, but I have noticed that the MVC-pattern opens up for GUI-design...

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ASP.NET MVC – Running Transformation Error

This is solved. See this.

I ran into this problem:

Template Processing resulted in 1 Errors: Error: Running Transformation

It appeared when I added an Edit-view for an inline view-data class. That is, I created a special class to hold the view data that the controller is acting upon, and that class is declared inside the controller.

When the Add view-dialog (which I love by the way) of the ASP.NET MVC closes with OK – this dialog appears.

I think it’s a bug in the RC-release, but I am not sure. I’ll send this to the ASP.NET MVC team and see what they have to say.

I am not sure that I will have the view data class as part of the other class since that violates the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) – but if I do, I get this crash.


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