The blog in stereo

As I told you a while ago I am since a while back blogging for Avega Group as well as here at I feel really honored that Avega wanted to have my random ramblings at their site.

The new site for Avega is now live and you can find the blog here. My own personal Avega blog can be found at

There are some really cool photos also. Avega uses a great photographer that always delivers such great things.

Alright - the will of course mostly contain technical stuff. But I’ll post everything here first…

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Oracle, ODP.NET, RefCursors, Enterprise Library and Readers

We have been chasing a nasty bug for a few days now. It actually has to do with all the technologies above.

The thing is that we have a Oracle stored procedure that returns a RefCursor. The stored procedure is actually just doing a simple SELECT from our system value tables. We are using Enterprise Library to call the stored procedure. We are using the command ExecuteReader. And here the funny business starts.

For starters, the stored procedure declares an OUT RefCursor, so we are adding a RefCursor parameter to our Oracle stored procedure command object. But when our ExecuteReader is run, the command is NULL (DBNull).

Furthermore, we ran into some connection problems since we had loads of connections hanging in the database after running our unit tests (that made many calls to said stored procedure).

After a lot...

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Aspects - I love it!

Today I really harvested the full effect of our inclusion of Aspect Orientation, by using the Policy Injection block of Enterprise Library.

And I must say; I am in love! I hereby solemnly declare that I never will use any other way to implement non-functional requirements, as long as I have a say in the question.

Why, you ask? Because all other ways are stupid! (I’ve picked up some Linus Torvalds style) Don’t code - configure!

Here is the example that really convinced me: With a quite simple (very simple if you use the configuration tool for Enterprise Library) configuration block, I got the results from all the methods in a certain interface (system values from the database) to be cached.

Do you hear me? NO CODE did that! And it’s so beautiful that my eyes are filled with tears.

Here is my configuration:

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Not trigger new build on check-in - TFS Build version of ExclusionFilters

OK - today we found out why we are building 650 builds each week…

As part of our build process, we are checking out (and in) a version-file and a SolutionInfo-file. The problem, however, lies in that we have a build trigger that starts a build on each new check-in. So each build triggers a new build that triggers a build that … you get the picture.

I have created build processes before with the great build server CruiseControl. In CruiseControl you have a configuration option called ExclusionFilter that solves this problem. You can tell CruiseControl not to trigger builds from certain users/files.

This option is not available for us TFS Build users. But there is still a way around this. It’s a bit of a hack and is described here.

The solution is to set a certain check-in comment for your check-ins that shouldn’t trigger...

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Run as...

This might be a no-brainer for most of you, but I have to put it up here since I’ll have to run back to it from time to time.

Here is how to run “any” program as another user, without any installs or modifications:

  1. Type cmd in the Run box of the Start menu.
  2. Type the following command:

    runas /user:[domain]\[user] [program]

    Of course, exchange [domain], [user], and [program] to the things you’ll need. For example, to start Management Console as MARCUSADMIN:

    runas /user:MARCUSOFT\MARCUSADMIN mmc
  3. Type the password of the user you want to run under.
  4. Voila! You are running the program as the other user.
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XMLMassUpdate - how to keep environment in place with MSBuild

Another great finding in MSBuild for me recently is the use of the XMLMassUpdate task of MSBuild Community Tasks.

For quite some time now I have always kept a separate .config-file for each environment. Even though I always has gone “hmm… but wait a while here… 90% of this file hasn’t changed from the last environment…”.

But you don’t get the time to investigate always. But now, again after some thoughtful input by colleagues, I noticed the XMLMassUpdate.

With it you can easily keep a file with the changes for each environment and then let your build script generate the right version for the environment the script is building. This means that you only need to keep the differences (deltas I think it’s called in formal speak) of the different files. Great!

Here is an great article describing how to use the...

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Calling Sandcastle with response file

I’ve been generating documentation from our XML-comments with Sandcastle for quite some time now. It has worked alright but there were some stuff that really annoyed me, I thought that I had to put up with it. But this is the beauty of my line of work comes into play… all of a sudden we’ve got a new team member. Christer Cederborg from Avega (of course) - a great guy and very knowledgeable in things like build scripts and other. And you get to learn from each other. This is why I am in this business - sharing and knowing. OK - Christer told me that you can use something called a response file to send commands to Sandcastle. The response file is in fact just the parameters you would send to Sandcastle the command line, but in a file. This made us go around the use...

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Associative arrays - and how to use them... wisely

My questions in an earlier post were promptly answered by Mark A Williams in a great way.

So what he says pretty much confirms what I thought. Although associative arrays are a great way to “bulk in” data to the database, when it comes to returning data, the array-way might not always be right.

Since you have to allocate memory for the array and size of each element in the array, associative arrays are best suited for situations when you know the size of the data that is being returned. Not that often in my experience. In other cases, you’ll be better off with a plain old DataReader.

So now I know - thanks goes to Mark A Williams.

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Great SCRUM Resources

The Swedish guru of Scrum, Henrik Kniberg, has produced some great stuff… yet again. Here you are:

  • Video and slides for “10 ways to screw up with Scrum and XP”. Got the merge-slide thrown in my face of a co-worker since I have great reluctance against branches… But I sure want to be able to manage them in a nice way - haven’t seen one yet though…
  • Scrum checklist - here is a truly great one-page document to get all your stuff in the right shape before starting doing Scrum.
  • And of course Scrum from the trenches. Everybody must read this! Even, or maybe especially, if you hate Scrum.
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ODP.NET - ArrayBindSize and Size for PLSQLAssociativeArrays

I have written about this before but I’ll make a short recap since it has to do with some quite interesting stuff in Oracle.

With ODP.NET you can harness the full power of Oracle’s features such as, for example, using Associative Arrays to bulk stuff into the database. We are using this feature in my current application since it will handle big loads.

OK - so far so good. I cannot understand two things and we have now involved the full brainpower of the team and still are scratching our heads. It actually boils down to two properties on the OracleParameter-class; Size and ArrayBindSize.

  • The Size-property should be (in the case of using associative arrays) set to the number of elements in the array. The strange thing though is that the value of the property must be set for output-parameters. I mean - how...
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