Indicators; leading, trailing - short or long

This is a just a short post, mainly an idea that I can get out of my head.

I’ve been helping the management team at one of our hospitals to come up with something to track our progress against. The main question was actually quite simple:

How would we know if this hospital is awesome?

We came up with a couple of balancing scores that we will take for a spin in our first experiment round. The idea is the these values will guide our actions - if we can make things that improve the values (one or more) it’s a good thing. In the spirit of balancing scores we are keeping track on more than one to make sure that we’re not tilting our efforts toward, say only financial values.

Hmmm… need to write some of those ideas down, maybe. Ok - now to the topic of...

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What can you do for us then?

A couple of days ago I offered my services to one of the hospital directors here. In their current situation they could need some structuring and focus on start executing. I know that I can help them with this (using my normal “tricks” of visualization, transparency and short iterations etc) and hence asked if I could be of assistance.

Now, this particular director is a really smart one and the response was quick, to the point and a real head twister for me:

Thanks for that offer! What is you can help us with, then?

I was a stumped! What do I do? Why would anyone want that? Who am I to think that I can help them? I’m an IT guy, no formal training, no formal authority here. Why should they want me?

I ended up referring to my past work and try to describe that to the director...

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Experiment - don't change

I re-read a post I wrote about 6 months ago, after a consultancy gig at Nintex. And one thing in there resounded with me and some of the conversations I’ve been having lately.

I wrote (and said):

Stop changing and start experimenting

This would probably be my #1 tip for change management; don’t do changes - do experiments instead.

In this post I thought I’d examine that recommendation in a little more detail.

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The 1000th post

Post Count

Just ran a my count script into the _posts directory of my Jekyll installation. 999! and then I started this post.

That means that this is the 1000th post on my blog!

I only have 3 words: Un. Believe. Able.

I never, ever thought that I would write 1000 posts.

Through this blog I’ve learned so much, connected with so many people and got so many opportunities I never would have got without “throwing myself out there”.

This post has two parts: history and stats.

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Wash your hands - make your hands clean

We’re ready to sit down to eat. The kids comes running and I do the regular check-up: Nope - all hands, some of the faces covered in dirt. Me:

Wash your hands!

The run off, remarkably without complaining. 15 seconds all three of them are back. Hands, faces and much of the shirts are dripping with water. Hands and faces are still dirty.

This is my fault. I was really just focusing on the activity rather than the outcome. I see this sickness in myself, many organizations and even our community at large.

In this post I wanted to examine this thought a little closer. I have no idea where I might end up, but I’ll type on for awhile and then structure it into something worth reading… or you’ll never read this

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npm scripting: git, version and deploy

In the last post I promised to write something about “git, pushing and deploying”. This is purely from a personal need since I have used make for those things. I wanted to see if I can move all of that to use npm and package.json instead.

I’ll also add a compile and minification step, just since that it’s a common need.

[UPDATED] This, and other posts on npm scripting, has drawn a lot of attention. I wanted you to know that I have created a PluralSight course on this topic, published in late October 2015. You can find it here.

Also, don’t miss the other posts on this blog on npm scripting:

If you liked this post...

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npm scripting: configs and arguments... and some more tricks

I’ve written two posts on npm scripting with package.json and during the course of these post I’ve picked up some tricks that I didn’t really use in the posts.

This post will hence be a bit less structured by contain some small tidbits of information for you to, hopefully, enjoy and use.

I’ll be working of the code here and add all the features I describe (as far as possible) to that repository.

[UPDATED] This, and other posts on npm scripting, has drawn a lot of attention. I wanted you to know that I have created a PluralSight course on this topic, published in late October 2015. You can find it here.

Also, don’t miss the other posts on this blog on npm scripting:

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Pre and Post hooks for npm scripting

npm is at the core of developing in Node. Most of us use it to get packages, set up the package.json etc.

But when you put it together with the vast possibilities in package.json you get another gear. Then npm can actually become a build tool - driving every aspect of your development. Without getting unwieldy and out of control.

In this post I wanted to examine one of the lesser known features of scripting with npm and package.json; pre- and post hooks. In doing so I will most likely brush on a lot of other subjects too. We’ll see how it goes.

[UPDATED] This, and other posts on npm scripting, has drawn a lot of attention. I wanted you to know that I have created a PluralSight course on this topic, published in late October 2015. You can find it here.

Also, don’t...

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Progress indicators, estimates and plans

Here in Indonesia Internet is often very slow. No, you don’t understand. VERY slow. Downloading big files, like movies on iTunes, can be a project from 4 hours to days.

The other night we wanted to watch a movie (Bamse I Tjuvstaden, it’s actually pretty good) that our kids love. We have already bought it but iTunes still downloads part of it.

The normal thing happened; the progress indicator lied. My kids were angry and I had to explain to them:

That is an estimate, a guess. They simply don't know when it's done.

As I said that I was reminded about many times I’ve been required to give estimates in other settings. In this post I wanted to examine the similarities I felt was present.

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ca 10 minutes on effective meetings

I don’t like meetings. Because most meetings I’ve attended has not been great. And I’m guilty of organizing some of those meetings too.

In this presentation I talk about how to make effective meetings. There will be a lot of small advices that I’ve found useful during my consultancy. I will also briefly describe the Lean Coffee meeting format.

Here’s all the post in the series (the links will work as I post them):

Please read the reason and ideas behind the entire series in the first post.

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