Understanding My Perspective A Journey in Thought

I recently had a wake-up call when I realized that some of my fundamental thoughts aren’t as clear to others as they are to me. This realization prompted deep reflection on what matters to me and how I approach my work, striving to guide others with these principles.

My ideas aren’t groundbreaking; they simply prioritize producing value for someone, often referred to as “the customer.” This customer could be anyone benefiting from our work, including ourselves. Value isn’t solely monetary; it encompasses any positive impact, even personal well-being.

Why Are We Here?

For me, the question of purpose underpins everything we do. Though we may have various reasons for being in a workplace, the primary goal is to produce value. This aligns with the Salvation Army’s ethos: “Others!” We’re here to serve someone, whether external customers or colleagues.

Understanding value is crucial. It’s not just about profit but encompasses...

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KoaJs and the SyntaxError Unexpected identifier error - or that time when I understood generators

It was quite sometime since I wrote a blog post with an error message in the title. However I have now got this error so many times, and keep scratching my head every time. Also I think I can explain why it happens.

Here’s an example on how to make this error occur, from the co-monk library README (not anymore maybe):

Running that code (either with “node –harmony koaErrorFail.js” or test it with “mocha –harmony-generators koaErrorFail.js”) fail with the error from the title of the blog post:

yield users.remove({}); ^^^^^ SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier 

At this point you start to think that you forgot to run the example with the --harmony flag. But of course you do that, right? Ah, maybe you are running the wrong version of Node. Again, no....

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Aligning our sights - what Indonesians taught me, part I

I have now been in Indonesia for about 4 months. There’s so many new impressions and things that I’ve seen, learned and experienced that I’m starting to forget them. Some is bad, some is good, some are ugly so I thought that I would write them down. The first thing is some sort of alignment that is repeated almost everyday. In almost all workplaces that I’ve seen or heard about. Like a routine checkup on what is important here. I’ve actually experienced that before, in a very different setting.

In this post I’m planning to tell you a couple of short stories and episodes, to then try to see what this could look like in my “normal”, more western culture. I hope it will be interesting and useful.

Gothenburg Brass Band

I had the great privilege to play in the top brass band in Sweden for about 2 years....

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Marcus Node Bits - Let us flex Koa Js, shall we?

The first two post of this mini-series, we picked up the basic on getting Koa Js to start as well as understand what it’s build from and the concepts behind it. It’s time to do something for real. Well over time, one might add. This post is all about using Koa to build different websites and web api’s.

By using Koas own examples I will show you how you can use Koa for a lot of common tasks and scenarios. Let’s dive right in.

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Team Yayasan week 5 Redoing Todo

This week started a bit late due to a public holiday, the Hindu new years celebrations, (the joys of working in a country that respect 4 different religions and celebrate all the main events publicly!) and then we had been spread out during the weekend. It took some time to gather the forces.

Last week we were a bit confused about the lead times and throughput. Sure enough this week we did some more items, due to the ketchup-effect of doing to big items. We are continuing to track both the lead time per size (S, M and L) and the number of items (or each size) that we are completing per week. It’s still a little too little data to draw any conclusions but we are confident that with this data tracked we will soon start to understand our work.


Today I told the team that...

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Marcus Node Bits - Let us talk about yield and generators, shall we?

Koa Js removes the need for callbacks but still uses non-blocking code. How is that possible?

If you read the code of the last blog post you might have reported a bug or two since I was using a strange asterisk in the getGreeting-function. Is that really valid Javascript?

And when you looked very closely you might be wondering about the “yield” right there in the middle… What kind of witchcraft is this thing anyway?

These questions and more flew through my head when I first learned about Koa and the concepts it’s built upon. In this post I will try to explain that a bit and point you to other places where they explain this much better, if you don’t like my tries. This is just how I, a newbie to these concepts, have tried to wrap my head around it. Hey, let’s be completely transparent and say...

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Marcus Node Bits - Let us talk about Koa for a while, shall we?

Ok, let’s talk about KoaJs. Why? Well, it’s new and shiny. But that’s not it. And it’s tiny and stays out of your way. But that’s not it. It’s created by the awesome crew behind ExpressJs (and others). But that’s not it. It teaches me about new things. And really strange things. Like generators for example. But that’s not it.

No. The reason I really wanted to get your attention is something different altogether. This has to stop. I’m by no means a seasoned Javascript developer but I’m already starting to dislike the code callbacks forces me to write. Yeah, I know, there are ways around it with promises and everything, but still have a hard time grasping that. Sorry. I hope there’s another way ^^

I mean; “getUserFromDatabase()… what would you expect that to return? An user? Or a promise maybe? I...

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Setting up a complete Node development machine. From scratch. For free

I got yet another computer. To work on. But there will be slow days on airports and hotels with this baby to… So I decided to try something new; I decided to go Linux and setup a development environment for Node Js. I did not set up a goal of this being a no-cost project, it just ended up that way (with one worthy exception, in the end).

I have never used Linux before and decided to go with Ubuntu that looked like it would suit my Windows/Mac background best. It did too. It’s been a pure joy to use so far.

This blog post described what I did and what obstacles I ran into on the way. It was … not surprisingly maybe… but at least gratifyingly simple and smooth. I’ve tried to describe it so that you can be both a total newbie and a little bit more...

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Do you think Kanban can help us?

One thing that is really interesting and very enjoyable is to have long time contacts over social media (in my case Twitter mostly). Many of these people I have never met in reality and I still consider them friends. We know quite a lot about each other and have learned a lot from each other.

Kristof Claes was the guy that introduced me to NancyFx and SimpleData in 2011. From an excellent blog series about a photo blog (couldn’t find a link…) he thought me a lot. He has now got an opportunity to use Kanban at work and asked me a question about that.

I asked him if I could blog the question and my answer and he agreed. Here you go:

First Kristof’s question:

I have a very very limited knowledge of kanban and I think kanban can help us with a situation at work, but...

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Team Yayasan week 4 - Throughput and lead times

The last week the blog post turned long. Sorry. This meant to just be short updates. Here’s another one.

The first thing I did this week was to create a diagram over our throughput; the number of items we’re getting done per week. And it looked pretty bleak. And was about to get worse… Here’s how it looked at the beginning of the week.

Throughput trend at the start of the week

That’s not looking good, right. I think I can explain it… and I think that I shouldn’t care too much about data with these few data points.

A lot of the things that we are doing require third part input. Someone else needs to approve, read or work with the item before we can finish it. I’ve been working with a LOT of teams that have this situation. It’s a drag…

If you remember in...

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