Happy birthday - Marcus inside (www.marcusoft.net)

Today I have had this blog for a whole year. I never thought that it would evolve to this. Here are some interesting (?) facts and statics.

  • First - I was wrong of course - the first posting was actually on 2006-10-24 but I have only have had statics since 2006-10-29.
  • Total number of posts: 270. Which average to 0.73 post a day.
  • 39 people has commented these posting
  • 7404 pages has been served to 1667 different visitors
  • Top content is the sketch Mor i skutan with 168 hits
  • Best visitor day was 2007-10-15 with 98 different visitors
  • I’ve changed the layout for the blog 4 times (if I remember correctly)
  • 2007-08-27 was another important date in the history of the blog since the URL and name was changed into the current marcusoft.net So - there you have it - happy birthday marcusoft.net
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Resharper! For VB.NET? - Revisited

Ok - i’ll give Resharper another try - thanks to Ilya Ryzhenkov who encouraged me to try again. In all honesty the crasches I experienced were all in a buildscript-file, XML-syntax.

So i’ll have to try it with pure VB.NET-code I expect… Here we go.

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Asp.Net 2.0 Profile in Web Application Projects

It has been a while since I coded web (not longing to much, I can say) and during this time a lot of development has happened of course. One of the great new features in ASP.NET 2.0 is the membership and profile handling which gives you easy access to store and get values that is has to do with the current user - a bit like settings in Windows programing.

A good introduction example can be found here.

However there is a problem in the different project models. When Visual Studio 2005 was released Microsoft did an attempt to solve the “i want to place my files for web projects wherever I want”-problem, and came up with the Web Site-project type. It sucks!

That project type doesn’t contain a project file and has a completely different compilation model, so it no good in most professional development projects. To do...

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Resharper! For VB.NET?

Oh my god - the worlds most well known and loved refactoring tool Resharper, now contains support for VB.NET.

Hopefully this will solve the limbo that Microsoft has left us VB.NET developers in…

I’ll get back with an “review” shortly…

I’m back - and the answere is NO! I’m sorry but the Add-In has crasched with unhandled exception six times in an hour. As we say in the Swedish military - REDO - DO RIGHT.

I am uninstalling it as we speak. Nice try though - seemed to promise a lot.

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Swedish brass band championships 2007

OK - it is time to do my predictions for the Swedish Brass Band Championships. I have already brushed on the subject but now its really closing in (three weeks) so I though you might wanna know how it will happen.

There has been some major problems to get bands together for this event (trust me, got phoned by three different band to fill some pretty prestigious seat, that would not have happened if they didn’t ask other people first…:)). Probably the whole event while have a slight yawn over it since some bands that are sure to place good is missing.

Stockholm Brass Band will not show up altogether which has to do with a lot of professional musicians in the band. They will - and often must - prioritize differently and this is a “spare time” thing. I hate to be one of those people that...

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In perfect peace

The last thing the Gothenburg Brass band did before the stopped playing was go on a tour in England. On the tour the found time to record a CD and take part in the European Championships.

I got the great privilege to write the inlet of the CD, which is called In Perfect Peace after one of the pieces on the CD. That particular piece is written by Kenneth Downie and was very important for the band and Bengt Eklund. So it’s very fitting that the last CD is called that and that the piece is on it.

About a week ago I found the CD in the catalog from World of Brass… Made me very proud. It’ll be the first time I am published in such a way.

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Not much

I’ve just entered a period of my project at work that is learning me why SCRUM “iterations” are called sprints. After we have sprinted for seven sprints in a row, with only a weekend in between each we have not started a period of bug-cleaning.

And it feels so slow (this is the second week, mind you). Nothing that pushes you, no goal in sight and just bugs coming in and being fixed. Booooring!

But hey - if you’re not bored the fun will not feel as fun. I guess.

OK - in my private life there is loads of things to do right now so i might be a blessing in disguise. I also try to do some reading up on new technolgies - first in line is WCF and LINQ

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The non-exsisting Service Quality at The Phone House

I can’t hold it in anymore. The service quality of The Phone House is bugging me enough to write them an angry email and enclose this service.

About 8 months ago I bought the most expensive telephone in my life, 4000 SEK. It was an HTC MTeoR. I have used HTC before and was recommended by the salesman at The Phone House that it was a good choice. Little did I know…

However - after a few months some problem did occur. When the phone rang it all of a sudden just lost it’s net. When I rebooted it the net was there again. Annoying but no problemos - that can happen.

I went to The Phone House to get some help. I was very surprised when i did get to give them the phone until I tried for the third time. Their excuses “Have you tried to patch it?”,...

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Last sprint-demo of the project

Tomorrow we have the last demo of the project. It feels great when you think of what we have accomplished in this short while:

  • 4-5 persons
  • 6 months (including the famous Swedish vacation month of 6 weeks)
  • 100 000 lines of code
  • Implementing and learning new architecture and Scrum

I am really proud of the project and the members in it. Thank you guys for the opportunity to do this together.

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