Marcus Node Bits - Should is a nice way to do asserts

I’m writing down some of the things I’ve picked up when I started to learn about Node, Express and Mongo. Here are all the post in the series:

This post is...

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Marcus Node Bits - mocha is cool both as framework and test runner

I’m writing down some of the things I’ve picked up when I started to learn about NodeExpress and Mongo. Here are all the post in the series:

When it comes to testing frameworks on the javascript and node...

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Marcus Node Bits - Callback function is cool stuff, and I even know how to write them

I’m writing down some of the things I’ve picked up when I started to learn about NodeExpress and Mongo. Here are all the post in the series:

This is not Node related but rather...

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Marcus Node Bits - Git is not that hard, but I need to refresh my knowledge

I’m writing down some of the things I’ve picked up when I started to learn about NodeExpress and Mongo. Here are all the post in the series:

This post is not at all about...

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Marcus Node Bits - Package.json is a mighty tool

I’m writing down some of the things I’ve picked up when I started to learn about NodeExpress and Mongo. Here are all the post in the series:

This post is about the package.json file...

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Marcus Node Bits - npm is not only for getting packages

I’m writing down some of the things I’ve picked up when I started to learn about NodeExpress and Mongo. Here are all the post in the series:

This post is about the Node Package...

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Marcus Node Bits - Doing stuff in the terminal is not scary at all

I’m writing down some of the things I’ve picked up when I started to learn about NodeExpress and Mongo. Here are all the post in the series:

This post is about the terminal and...

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Marcus Node Bits - Writing stuff down is great to remember it

I have been playing with NodeJs during the evenings. Really late onto that train, by here we are. In fact, this is just by coincident; I happened to bring “JavaScript - the good parts” to Indonesia and it was the only book I had. Once I had read that awesome book, I got invited to write a review for the NancyFx book by Christian Horsdal and got a free book for my effort. I just picked one and it happened to be Mastering Node.js.

After that book and my head had stop spinning, we still had to wait for our belongings to arrive to Indonesia. I had nothing to read or code. So I thought I would put my Node-knowledge into action. And started to check out Express.

Here we are. I haven’t really coded anything...

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Repost - Do we dare to be data-driven


I noticed that CodeBetter is slowing down. Maybe dying. I’m preserving my original post from there, here on my own site.

Original post

We had set the system up for a test of how this A/B testing stuff could work for us. Would it be useful? Could we communicate it clearly to the others around us? Would the data be easy to understand and make something out of?

Impossible CAPTCHA)


In order to know what we where doing we picked a no-brainer feature to test it on: registration with or without CAPTCHA. You know, like the one to the left.

Since all of us (and probably you too) hate to type those strange, unreadable letters we were confident that we knew which one would win. Hence we had some really good test data for how...

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On lead time and important projects

I've started work in a very different organization, in a very different culture and see the same problems. For those that don't know yet, I have moved to Indonesia and works for the Bala Keselamatan, better known internationally as the Salvation Army. My tasks here is around helping the organization that organizes the Salvation Army hospitals (yes, 6 of them) and clinics (17 I think), to become more effective and get more done with less. "Doing the most good" in other words When I went here I was hoping (or betting maybe is a better word ^^) that my interests and knowledge in Lean and Agile would be helpful to them. And I've at least seen similar problems here as I did with clients at...
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